Jun 30, 2021
skinny dipping in laramie
running in bozeman
watching queer eye with kate in sedona
hiking so many mountains
sleeping in my car
blood blisters on my toes
drinking coffee in every. single. stop and all the towns along the way.
starbucks coffee is geniunely better than gas station coffee
i am ok with spending money on coffee
and a hotel once and a while
i am not as tough as i like to pretend
but i am good at hiking alone
i need to stop talking to myself so loudly
santa fe chiles should become a thing outside of santa fe
i love colorado in the summer
but the winter snow will always have me
the tetons are magnificent
i hate watching people take pictures
back into the car and the box is checked.
maybe just try and stand there?
but it’s hard, we pretend things only count through photo evidence
feelings are evidence through memories though
i want to stop driving now
but never stop driving
i already miss the road
ok, but a bed and a shower and a laundry machine are all marvelous things
setting my own tent is pretty badass
i always thought of that as so hard when i was a kid
turns out
very easy
hiking alone was empowering
but didn’t eliminate my want my need to share my experience with others
i can be alone and be lonely
i can be with my best friends in the world and be lonely
but in both these settings i can also laugh the hardest, smile the biggest,
pure aches of happy
yes, i can mKe myself laugh
i am scared for july becuase i feel like i forgot everything except for how to drive
i actually got quite good at tbat
remember when 45 minutes waS a long drive?
reading at half moon bay
i feel most alive before 7am
there are so many artists out there
but when you find one that fits no one else in the world matters
i hope that is what my nextlove feels like
like the song on repeat that can never feel like it’s loud enough or long enough or you have enough time to sit in your car and crank the stereo just to rewind to your favorite part of the bridge- i want a love that feels like a favorite lyric
i love the harmonica
i really love john craigie
i love crying
i love laughing
i love throwing my trash onto my passenger seat floor and refilling my water bottle from an old gallon jug from yellowstone park
i can’t wait for my kitchen
i love poetry
i love camping and eating chips and salsa for dinner
i loved the last five weeks