take out your earphones type of day

mar 14th, 2021

I’m standing by the Hudson watching two ducks swim away from the outcropping of rocks. together. The guy allowing the girl to lead- just a bit. Her tenacity wearing him out on the windy evening. This space allows her just enough freedom to gain an edge of confidence. The both of them moving just fast enough to counter the river’s swift movement. Both looking calm at the surface, but I stand, knowing they’re doing all they can in the murky water. Everything to keep their light bodies on the path toward the opposite shore.

I am thankful for a weekend that was the perfect balance of friends and love and movement along with retreat, re-centering, and stillness.

caamp, caamp, caamp: what would we do without your music… I’ll take my earphones out for a while, but you keep my soul coming back for the rest… So Long, Honey is mine for today.