to do lists

April 3rd, 2021

A love hate relationship to no end. Undoubtedly, they organize my life and give a little structure to my day, but wow. they are annoying. Little nagging details: you know those things you just KNOW you need to write down, but tell yourself you’ll remember it anyway. The whole time figuring you’re going to end up blowing off the same little task. I mean, of course, we get the big stuff done, the important check marks checked, but the more I ignore a single item, the easier it becomes to let it slide every single time (eek , like all my papers…)

And then we have those days when “shower” and “brush teeth” have to make it on the to-do list just so we feel like we have something to cross off before 9am. 🙂

I am easily the most productive before 1pm. Post lunch? Forget it. I know that’s a mindset I have to get rid of, and quickly, but if I can get 90% of my day accomplished in the morning I’ll be quite happy.

This semester I’ve been doing a sticky note of “letting go”, “focusing on”, and “thankful for” for at least every weekday. Shoutout BSG for this.

Some random ones from my stack

“Today, I am letting go of the need to constantly snack” oof- need this

“Today, I am letting go of my inability and embarrassment over public speaking” sad class prezie

“Today, I am focusing on my first 20 min run!!!” happy

“Today, I am focusing on sticking to my to-do list” hehe

“Today, I am thankful for the daises” Mary Oliver, thank you x100.

“Today, I am thankful for the way music connects us” you know who you all are

‘what do you say we pack our things and get out of here

i’ve been saving all my life just to disappear’

20007th time I’ll recommend listening to Caamp

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