its not actually finished, but you get the sentiment.

annie wheat

May 10, 2021


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CDT Yonzon, Osho. ’22. C-2. CDT Yonzon assisted me through my R code. While I replicated the data, he showed me the best way to merge the CARI and Master datasheet. This allowed me to add Chinese investment as a variable within the original dataset via R Studio, instead of creating a new excel. CDT Yonzon is a statistics major and very well versed in R studio. His assistance allowed me to develop the correct coding model for the variable of interest (investment averages) and showed me the most efficient way to work through R models. West Point, New York. 26 February, 8 March 2021.


My Advisor. without his guidance, 12am AI calls on Teams, endless edits, last minute meetings, recoding R, putting up with my (lack of) presentation skills, no of this would be remotely possible.

Gabriela Angélica Huggins. I owe you my deepest, most sincere, graciously humbling offer of thanks for your unwavering support of emojis, frog pictures, and tik toks through this tumultuous march, april, and may. Long gone are the 4 hour walks and no homework (mondays-fridays, saturdays-sundays) may we resume them in Oklaholma.

I have not actually finished this, but I think its appropriate to stop referencing this paper on my blog. joy ~only~ here on out.

^^ I promise that a lot, but this time… I mean it.

Gabriela Huggins

Gabriela Huggins

May 11, 2021

It has been, and still is, my absolute pleasure to distract you these past couple of months

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