turning pages

annie wheat

May 12, 2021

a new page, a fresh piece of paper, to think, to write, to scribble and erase and pretend I never thought those words.

a new page to show you, to shout that YES, this is whats going on inside my head! opportunities to create, to feel, to love, to hate, to write so small only I can deceiver what is down on paper, or so loud and bold that I can no longer contain my letters… they sprawl across the white sheet so easily. messy, but nearly free. We’re standing on a ledge ready to fall or jump: which is it? Are we willing or willed.

oops- Does any of this make sense? I like to pretend I think in some philosophical manner in my handwritten journals, so I didn’t want to stop doing it only because i’ve turned digital…

A little reader engagement here: Did you know not everyone has an internal dialogue? If you do not, please comment how you think- I am confused.

Personally, I talk to myself for 95% of all my conversations, because I feel that nothing can be affirmed without my own voice saying it out loud. Masks have been helpful in hiding this habit. However, extremely inconvenient when around others all the time but makes for humorous stories & thats what were all about.

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