Jul 21, 2021
so it turns out my life is less organized when i find myself away from my computer at times other than 11:45pm in between papers and Rcode and Gabriela 5 feet away. I need this blog. I like how it organized my thoughts in a way that I haven’t replicated on paper or iphone notes this summer. I liked the reprieve, but what can I say, I’m addicted to normalcy. I hate to say it, but I miss the regularity of school. I miss my to-do sticky notes. I miss arvin slots where I can do whatever I want…. first PT session tomorrow… It’s totally fine, but I just want to get back into routine.
I just bought loads of kitchen applicences and supplies for a theoretical kithcen. My apartment hasn’t approved me, but yesterday they told me I could move in by Friday… that seems fake.
I have to drive to Witchita Falls to get my emissions test done for my VA registration… sad that Oklahoma doesn’t believe in regulating the carbon emissions spewing from the vehicles that litter the highway… don’t worry about climate change right? let’s ignore the Oregon wildfires and German floods- those are far far away from the safety of the Oklahoma plain. Anywho, that just gives me an excuse to drive my car on Friday.
On that note, I think my 5 week road trip was all to preapre me to essentially LIVE out of my car during BOLC. It’s gotten so full I had to collapse the seats. I can still technically ‘see’ out the back window, but I am really wishing I had a backup camera…
I AM LONELY!!!!! But we all must be lonely our entire lives right??? Maybe not with the right person? Actually, I just cannot fathom that. Little bits of togetherness makes the lonely less lonely. I am typing like I’m drunk, but I’m quite sober.
I’ve listened to over 20 hours of books and podcasts on Vegan/ultrarunning lifestyles I’m not sure I’ll ever want to drink again. That’s a lie, its just that its Wednesday and I’m alone in a hotel room staring at a half eaten bag of lentil chips. I’ve been ‘fully’ vegan for 7 days now. This is something I’m quite proud of. The only slip was when I bought a “everything spice and garlic sauce” from Whole Foods. Made with eggs. sad face.
This blog isn’t up to date with my John Craigie obsession. Every song is a poem. I love him. I like him. He, Peter Mccy, and Caamp take my all time awards as music champions.
Listened to Night Changes while running today, and on the way to the track, and on the way home. its a good one. cute. very teenager-y. sometimes I forgot I’m not 17 anymore, which probably isn’t the best thing ever.
Thanks to Chase, I’ve listened to Finding Ultra by Rich Roll and Eat and Run by Scott Jurek. and many of Rich Roll’s podcasts. All incredible. I want to run for miles and miles and miles, but my legs only took me 4 today. More later! I forget how easy it is to type on a computer instead of writing in a journal, but I must admit it lacks the personal touch- that’s why I forgo grammar and spelling and typical important pieces of the story. keep ya on your toes. And oh that reminds me of another good song: Keep ‘Em on they Toes by Brent Cobb. Conner showed me this one on the way to Reno from Bozeman. He also showed me John Craigie.
OK… they’ll be more.