Aug 22, 2022
the fact that the first cup of coffee tastes so much better than all the rest. I think this is because the first one feels hopeful, gentle, and the rest are simply dragging us along the day…
driving home from work
driving home from work and the clouds are putting on a show along with the sun dancing in the background. so humble this time of day!
going on a run, knowing this is your time.
reflecting on that run later in the day. thankful it was there, justifying not losing your cool bc, of course, you felt peace that morning… albiet close to 10 hours ago.
framing pictures that have been lying on the dinner room table for months
finishing a book that has been lying on the coffee table for months
kitchen clean… dishwasher started
pulling the covers up, the air is much cooler now.
nothing is forever! that is a good one.