Feb 3, 2023
I like stepping out and taking a breath knowing I’m going to do something I’m not really excited to do… I like stepping back in and swiping my hat off, so sweaty, and mini ponytail about to fall out. I like the soft light above the mountains that peaks over with a little more energy with each step. I like doing some things that make me uncomfy. Sometimes.
things I want to do but I feel like I won’t really like: PCT, 50K, 100 miler, rock climbing on real rocks, a muscle-up, splitboarding, ranger school, climbing mt. Whitney, going to grad school, leaving the army and finding a human I can be with and not move around every 2 years or do long distance or pretending like we don’t actually like each other and it’s all unfortunate timing. Actually, I will really enjoy this last one if I can ever nail it.