
annie wheat

Mar 10, 2023

will I ever get over pushups? Likely no. But I keep trying like I will!

longing for the time and space to be what I chose. I feel quite crushed lately. smashed and jammed. I went running yesterday because I bent over and felt the spill of my stomach over my hip bones. I shouldn’t have had a knee jerk reaction. I know I have to be careful so to preserve something as precious as movement out here, but this was the best thing I could think of.

rained for the first two miles. wind was awful. and I was thinking well at least I’m outside and not spending the entire day by the bays. silver linings, you know. And there was one of the most beautiful rainbows I’ve seen. and it was just another example of how much I owe to running and movement. without it we would lead such bland lives and see sooooo innumerabley less rainbows and sunrises.

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