Feb 21, 2024
I think I want to ski for the rest of my life. but I also want to go on one hundred 100 mile bike rides and do yoga to every sunrise. I want to run until my legs fall off (just spare my left, third metatarsal, please)
I am lucky to have so many things to love.
I love waking up and waking out the door to some spring (albeit too early) time morning birds, I love my silly red headlamp that makes me feel like I’m protecting myself against the raging bicyclists of 5am ansbach travels.
I love a warm coffee and a cold kitchen floor. I get angry about work texts too late and not having enough sleep but there is never enough sleep. Especially when there is so much to do! I don’t like sleeping because that means the day is over and work starts again soon. I love waking up because the day is mine (for the moment) and I can control what I do and how I do it.
I think I overthink my life and what I’m doing because nothing really matters at all if you can’t enjoy a coffee, and I love coffee. I am excited for future me, when i can wake up at a reasonable time and go for the bike ride that lasts for ten hours because I’ve trained my dog to hop in the basket on the back. I am excited for the long run that may come again, because I haven’t punished my body- I’ve just been enjoying the movement. I am excited for that all day powder ski. Blue bird skis and mile wide smiles. Laughing because you swear you’ve never felt like this before and can it ever happen again?
The beauty of these days is that they do happen again. It’s stretching the neck from the constant crick we live in and it’s ok to put the little rectangle down and rest your pinkies and thumbs because we type too much. Good things come more than once. They can and are consistently inconsistent, and that’s not anything to get down about. They keep us on our tippy toes leaning in for a little more, as we hope the best is better than the last.