a project for us all

annie wheat

Oct 2, 2022

i like the beat of this rain.

No pelting

No drizzling

But a steady patter

enough to bend the yellowing leaves

And keep windshield wipers on.

Enough to make us miss the sun

And the healthy rays at 8am

on a Tuesday.

But I love to pretend to hate the rain

No biking. Less walking

But when you go outside

You have so much space to yourself.

Unbothered and never hurried

Sink down and soak in pieces otherwise forgotten and pushed in the corner of your mind

these aren’t floating away today.

It’s not bad, this rain.

So, stop.

Wait. And practice patience for the hour.

Let these moments seap into skin

Let this rain and all she brings to give you a breath, some love, and the space to pour

unquestionable light where there is none.

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