a quick daydream because i can’t focus on my lit review

feb 25th, 2021

so, instead of sitting down at my standing desk (yes, I am weak- its 10am) and writing a paper, i’m imagining myself careening down an empty highway out in Colorado or Utah or California or Oregon. Somewhere West. Windows are down, there’s a fresh easiness in the air. its 6:45 in the morning- I am convinced this is the best time of the day. I am awake enough following an easy morning cardio or yoga/stretch and i’m about to embark on my first cuppa giddy up for the morning. But back to the road- something catches your eye- maybe its a bird or just the way the sun hits the never ending landscape to your right. So, because you don’t have any particular goal in mind or place to be, you have the freedom to pull over and just observe. just be. here seems like a perfect place to stretch the legs… dig a (not too crusty) granola bar out of the console… lean your back against the passenger side door, just watching the world move on as you stay. for now.

and now i make the dreaded return to my thesis.

do people like song suggestions? i think its one of the only ways to connect with people these days … u know, apart from real life conversations, but when do those actually happen

try: Take Me Where Your Heart Is by Q

Jacob Bennett

Mar 15, 2021

So I have been reading these backwards this whole time and the song suggestions have been one of my favorite parts. I feel like I’m better able to hear your tone of voice with the blog. Helps me to understand


Katie Baumeister

Feb 25, 2021

Dreams of out west w Peter McPoland. Me you and Peter.