May 20, 2021
Good morning All,
Family, friends, and mentors,
There are few words that can truly express my gratitude to each of you all over the past 4(+) years. Thank you for lifting me up, supporting me, and dragging me along the way. West Point has done a phenomenal job on making Thayer weeks last until the bitter end, but I truly hope I’ve been able to convey my gratitude for your support. I’ll never forget waking up with a worm in my mouth our first night in the field, losing every (single) combatives fight, tearing too many ACLs, and 3am nights. It’s the little things that make this place.
In all seriousness, none of the great (and trust me, there were plenty) experiences would be possible without the people here. I feel incredibly fortunate to have gone through this 47 month experience with you all. I would like to invite you all to my commissioning ceremony following graduation from 1430-1450. My uncle, CAPT USMC Trevor Dunlap, will be commissioning me, and I will receive my first salute from Annie Hepburn. The ceremony will take place next to the entrance of flirty walk by North Dock.
Saturday is an unbelievably packed day, so please do not feel obligated to RSVP or attend.
I’ve attached a map, a view to remember, and my favorite graduation picture.
Thank you again for your support through the last four years, and I cannot wait to run into you all in the real Army/world.
All my best,
Annie Wheat Dunlap
Very Respectfully,
Annie W. Dunlap
Company C2
Class of 2021