apr 2

apr 1, 2021

12:48 post blog 44 minutes late

5:12 alarm goes off

5:19 roll out of bed 7 minutes later and drop phone on the floor

5:33 get to the gym for a semi-intense ellipitcal sesh

6:20 back in barracks

6:25 find my water bottle

6:55 clench my fists as Gabriela continues to sleep (haha, a joke, I don’t get angry)

7:00 settle down with my French press and rx bar for my utmost favorite time of day

7:25 text my friends happy friday

8:00 finish policy paper

too long of a time: classes

12:10 lunch: spinach^2 plus shredded green things plus sunflower seeds

2: drown in a pool and get water stuck in my right ear

4: drink water

7: drink alcohol

10: watch mama mia

11:05 write another blog

11:47 head is resting!!!


Same but the water is in my left ear today.


annie wheat

annie wheat

Apr 02, 2021

Replying tosarah.martin

oh the worst & makes earphones impossible ‘)


Katie Baumeister

Katie Baumeister

Apr 02, 2021

Let’s watch mamma Mia together though


Jacob Bennett

Jacob Bennett

Apr 02, 2021

When you think about it, it’s already 7pm somewhere 😉