Jul 14, 2022
I have a new bedside table. It’s a light oak color. A little wobbly, but smooth to touch, and has a wee bit of character to it. I ordered 6 big pieces (for me) from a furniture company in Spain. Minimalistic design, sustainable materials, made to order, so no mass quantities etc etc. it took so long for the order to process I forgot about it. Then the packages all came. All at once. And I let these packages sit in the entrance way of my apartment for 2.5 days. All that waiting! And I wanted to wait more! Even though i knew how much these pieces would add to my (still) bare bones apartment. I didn’t want to deal with the cardboard problem that I am allowing to pile up in the room to the left. So, I let them sit. And then I was about to go to bed when I couldn’t step over the box to get to my bathroom and I decided the unpacking and unboxing was necessary. To at least check them out.
The most beautiful shelves, headboard and mirror I’ve ever seen. Everything seems so good! Maybe it all is! Assembly of parts doesn’t seem too dramatic! Unpacked beautifully! Everything was fine. And now I’m a little bit closer to making my house feel more permanent. In my head, Germany still feels so temporary— like I’ll get a call next month to fly back and go to ranger and say goodbye to my apartment (haha to all of this) but I think I am finally allowing myself to settle in. Not settle completely. I am chasing too many things to be settled settled. But it’s better than it was.
Taking my time to make a place mine is fine! Everything is ok, and I’m still always tired. Woes of a 23 yr old.