Mar 26, 2023
I like driving when I can forget about where I’m going and what I’m doing. Because nothing truly matters when you have mountainous peaks to climb over or steep, barely green valleys to putter through. A climb and a fall. Probably a song to go with every other winding turn. My windows down and hand it’s stretched. I haven’t figured out the cruise control but that’s ok I like trying to push it a little faster around the corners. Music and driving and fresh air with a coffee in the left hand. The weather is warm enough to make everyone feel a bit more human. We can look each other in the eye again and laugh with the sun. Its warm, but you ache for more, and I want to see the new freckles come out by my nose. I’m happy to need sunglasses. I wouldn’t change the seasons for the world because I would only feel a quarter as much. Each turn of the sun feels like a rebirth and reimagining of what can and should be-
Brighter or darker, louder or softer, easy and hard, pulling and pushing against the grain of our everyday. To witness the transition and to be a bystander to these small miracles is the part that marks the years beyond the calendar and deadlines and schedules and timelines.
Were are lucky to have the chance for windows down coffee in hand music up too loud as options left for us.