Nov 20, 2023
I thought a lot about the almond today in my drive home. So simple, crunchy, hint of sweetness, weird chewy skin.
I’m not talking about the roasted and salted- I’m talking plain Jane naked almonds.
I’ve had the same bag of “Whole Almonds” since December 2022. I’m down to my last handful. They’ve been trusty! Some trips to graf, some trips skiing, a handful respectively in May and July between Slovakia escapades. A handful pre and post Georgia. They’re truly not good enough to ever eat a lot of, but as someone with little self control I find it extremely appealing.
I want to be the kind of person that has out of work hobbies and interests. Maybe even passion for something I love! But work feels like kneeling in the cold mud as a string puppet bangs a wooden spoon over my head… ceaselessly. And so I think about almonds. And I get in bed. And I go to sleep.
Weekend ski possibilities are still alive and proved worth the 16 hours of driving the past 2 days. I’ll live for the bookends of the week. This is possible! Mountain air on Saturday and Sunday in exchange for unforgiving spoon hits. A deal I’ll strike!
Absolutely Sweet Marie is a new must listen- especially during the last handful of almonds.