conversations in my head

annie wheat

May 2, 2021

Before I get into it: three things that are beautiful right now: cherry blossoms on the hill by the Chapel, no lifeguarding tomorrow, no more As For Class Uni days left.

** If you read this blog and you genuinely care about grammar, I apologize. I have broken many: many/ many. rules and leave punctuation and capitalization and spelling to my discretion. Somehow, this blog has failed to improve the quality of my political science papers… huh.

you don’t need that: can this help you?

you can’t eat that: can this fuel you?

you can’t do that: what motivates you?

stop thinking so selfishly: what is wrong?

you are nothing: you are everything in small pieces.

you are constantly negative: go outside.

everything’s fine: be there for someone else.

you are alone: look around!!!

Two phrases from my 2004-2013 life at The Hill School remain engrained in me: ‘when you find your place in this world help others find theirs’ and ‘sprint through the finish line’.

The first… well, there’s a long way to go on this, but the sentiment is there. I want to turn around and face obstacles with people. Few things are more inspiring when you know someone chooses to walk beside you while they could be fading into the distance ahead of you.

The second… I struggle with. I fear its becoming a personality trait… finishing a project or paper or assignment to 85/90% and I can’t quite clinch the finish. I’ve never been a “clutch” player in much of anything… from lacrosse to ping pong… I am usually a ‘close one!’ ‘next time!’ ‘good try!’… nothing you make movies out of to say the least. End on a good note, annie. You know, the kind where I can look back ten years from now and feel proud of the effort I put forth in everything from school to friends despite 19 days left on the calendar.

So, to end on a good note tonight… I am grateful for the sky when I can look up and find a small piece of color, the whisp of a leftover cloud, shouting, wait look at me, I’m here.

Did that make any sense? 1239 i am going to bed and dreaming of big fluffy clouds.

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