diary of food

Apr 27, 2021

720am cold brew #1

745am peanut butter rx bar (hurried: not properly enjoyed)

920am hot chai (for the bedside) hot vanilla latte (for the soul)

940am A bag of arugula from Trader Joe’s (so much chewing)

1030am cold brew #2

1100am A handfull of candied ginger

1200pm Oatmeal: MEGA toppings of coconut, peanut butter, pecans, honey, ginger

1211pm spoonful(s) of peanut butter

1230: luke warm/leftover brew #3

1pm an entire bag of dried mango (minus 2 pieces)

130pm last two pieces of mango

7pm burrito: with everything that makes your stomach & mouth & butthole go aflame

8pm chocolate built bar (bc its good to be BUFF)

930pm cookie dough ice cream…….. to eat the whole pint or half? probably will go whole.

12am probably ginger

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