drives and songs

annie wheat

Aug 9, 2021

There are so many different kinds.

some with friends, some with cute guys, some with cute girls, some alone.

There the kind of drive where you hop in after having the key in your hand, unlocking the car on the first try, maps is set up, playlist is fresh & the newest song is queued. Music is playing before you put on the sunnies and man its a smooth ride in your car that sometimes makes puttering noises and constantly reminds me to ‘check engine’. I happily drive on.

There are also drives were you can’t find the keys for a nice 45 seconds standing outside your door, PRAYING you didn’t lock them inside the car this time. Nothing screams relief when I feel the coils of my hairband that substitutes wonderfully as my stretched out keychain. maps never calibrates and spotify is frozen so you’re forced to talk to yourself, or worse… think, alone!!!!

It was day 5/35 this summer roadtrip and my bluetooth stopped working while driving through the Petrified Forest. Sounds dramatic, but i simply could NOT go on without rebooting probably 15 different times of the side of the road. I wouldn’t say I always need music- I’ve been working on making the most of my little 15 minute Lawton drives and doing my German lessons, but overall, yes I need the music.

I like to time my phone calls so I can still listen to my songs in the car. My bluetooth for phone calls is atrocious, so calls always feel discombobulated regardless.

I like days where I play my music to 60 and my car shakes because the speaker’s bass is about to break (or has it already??)

I like days where shuffle puts on my 5 year old crush, Kacey Chambers. girl. power.

I like days when I find that new song. That new song I’ll play for 3 days straight. A continual press of the previous button on the top of my bluetooth controller to listen one more time.

I like days when I am driving in the dark and listening to some soft, unfamiliar tunes.

I love when I’m driving and I am reminded of the first time I heard a song.

I love when the song ends perfectly as I put the car in park.

I love when I realize I can sit, no music, no podcast, no German lesson or phone call. and its nice.

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