drops of water

annie wheat

Jun 8, 2021

do you ever get an overwhelming urge to throw your phone across the room and against the wall? the last time i did this i was 13 with a samsung zebra stripped flip phone after losing some version of a BMX game. that’s about when i decided all phone/computer/tablet games just went for me. i really hate how we live through our phones. i know some people don’t, i know some people disconnect, but i never really see that. i’m terrible at it myself- i’ll be the first to admit that but i feel this constant imposter‘s syndrome when i am in a beautiful place and thinking about capturing the picture. and great, i’m not posting that to instagram or showing it to thousands of followers/friends as it’s happening… but the idea of lacking presence and giving something meaning or significance simply because you think other people would makes my skin crawl.

i also miss being in a relationship. i know single is good. single is supposed to teach self love. single is supposed to be fun and exploratory and adventurous, but what i really want is to slide under the covers and they wrap their arms around my slightly tanned, minorly toned stomach with oddly shaped love handles (or are these just hips?) and pull me close. close close close we all just want to be close!

today we biked to Maroon Bells. absolutely worth the incline. emily and i ran into crater lake and had a bit of cold therapy- i think i need more of this. i’m starting to get the itch to find random freezing bodies of water to momentarily fling myself into for a little rush of fun. snow in the summer makes the air smell clean. sarah desc the sun kissing our backs… no more perfect description. the downhill was fun on the way back but i was intimidated by emily and sarah’s bike skills so i just relaxed behind. lots of underarm chaffing- what’s going on with that. more body glide.

tomorrow we’ll walk on highlands. i’m excited to see this beautiful place in the summer. i miss the snow. i miss the skis and the boards and the feeling of peace through some powder but this kissing sunlight is doing us just right.

i can’t wait for coffee tomorrow.

so in summary: less phone, more people, inspiring sun, use some body glide and sunscreen.

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