excitement & ignorance

feb 13th, 2021

i’m sure we can all tell the difference from when were excited about a person, place, or event versus the overwhelming build up of frustration or loneliness that boils if were are “missing out”. but did you ever notice how when you’re feeling low, you tend to dig into each feeling? How when we’re sad we dissect each lyric, but when we are on top of the world all you want to do is belt your song from the car.

i guess this idea wonders more about how we have selective observations when we feel truly giddy about an person, place, or event, because who wants to ruin a great thing wondering about what could go wrong. Maybe we fall in love with the feeling of elation, because we have to believe there is something out there more perfect than anything we’ve once imagined. We soak in ignorance and bliss to block out disappointment. Is this too negative? I truly believe in the goodness of people, but do I truly believe in the goodness of myself?

if there’s a speck of joy in this entry, its this: we have the power to choose how we see the goodness in ourselves everyday. we have the power to uplift those around us, no matter how large or small our act may seem. all this, together, may help us feel the goodness within ourselves.