Apr 25, 2021
Why can’t I find the balance of time management?
How are there only 24 hours in a day?
Why do I feel so heavy in the head?
What makes friends drift apart? lovers? what lasts forever?
Is drifting better than breaking?
Why does ginger taste so good
How can one go from feeling intimately attached to dysphoric(ly?) alone so quickly?
Are we doing this right?
Am I missing something?
When do heads stop spinning?
I just finished Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig, and I cried three separate times while reading it. It made me want to take another look at my ‘Human Feelings’ page, because his words reminded me the power of everyday experiences. Here’s another look (with a few added) at it in case you don’t want to click around the top right corner of this webpage.
- climbing into my car and the radio clicks on
- windows down, one hand out the window- wriggling fingers in the wind.
- walks alone
- walks with friends
- dancing in an empty parking lot at sunset
- singing.
- when my voice is randomly raspy
- running down a hill and I spread my arms
- leaning my head back to look at the stars
- long (for me) runs with sar and em
- running into puddles of water but not getting blisters
- remembering to stretch after the run
- when my floor is clear of hair after a fresh sweep
- new flowers in the windows
- wearing my flower shaped earrings
- dog-earring book pages
- warm towels
- color-blocked sweatpants
- peter mcpoland updates from gabe
- sun after the rain
- that golden shine when the sun sets
- surprise coffees
- when the Bluetooth actually works
- surprise notes (of love)
- Thai food (green curry)
- seeing a weeping willow
- Frida Kahlo self-portraits
- being out of breath
- the “hot tea in your chest” feeling that lasts minutes after the last sip.
- the first sip of the first cup of coffee of the day
- catching and chasing the sunrise
- embracing someone you love
- scones and coffee
- driving South, West, anywhere but North
- two-armed hugs
- finding an old song and remembering where you were and what you felt as you listened for the first time
goodnight moon and stars and sky and sun and everyone : )

From Gabriela’s comment: Why can’t I find the balance of time management? We simply prioritize what we want to do most and do it, I personally believe theses should always be last in these lists
How are there only 24 hours in a day? The good ole Egyptians decided that this was the best way to split up a day, they were a big fan of things divisable by 12
Why do I feel so heavy in the head? Internal pressure in the head often leads to feelings of heaviness and fatigue
What makes friends drift apart? lovers? what lasts forever? Growth. My favorite analogy is that of plants growing, sometimes if two plants grow too close together when they are not compatible one will eventually grow weaker than the other, but if they are symbiotic they grow stronger and more efficient
Is drifting better than breaking? Depends, see answer above
Why does ginger taste so good I know you enjoy the “spiciness” of ginger which is caused by the compound zingerone
How can one go from feeling intimately attached to dysphoric(ly?) alone so quickly? This is a tough one, we understand and know ourselves at such a depth that often at times of great intimacy we are reminded that maybe or maybe not others will know us at such a level. Oh the intimacy of being known
Are we doing this right? Absolutely
Am I missing something? Probably, but it is simply impossible not too
everything? Nope
When do heads stop spinning? Blood flow increase, keep taking those iron pills