ice cubes & bergs

annie wheat

May 16, 2021

this weekend was a fun reminder how physical changes: the here and now and in your face can be everything and more (iceberg), or nothing past the surface (ice cube). Change takes us out of the driver’s seat at times, but others it places us right in the middle of the action.

I want to love change. I think part of me does, but I think another part of me is still getting used to the fact that no, my whole life will not follow my highschool route to school. There will be new roads, new songs, new people, but the same sunsets, the same smiles, and love. Everything can shift around and feel like its falling through when we’re really just adjusting… I think?

Yesterday, I turned a 6 hour drive in to 9 hour drive, so my future road trip is looking a bit longer than I thought. My muscles may atrophy and I may attempt to revive them via running each day, my ankles and knees and lungs screaming at me to stop, but I’ll still try. I hate how easy it is to sit down, to let the comfort of your own bed, or car, or house keep you from doing something- anything, differently. Its like, i want to be spontaneous and fun and exciting, but sometimes I am just really, really tired. However, I am a youthful 22, and I don’t need to use up all my adventure time in a few years… hopefully I can keep it with me through some middie/oldie times of life. However old I end up- I want to keep this haircut.

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