mar 13th, 2021
what is life without a few smiles? I am feeling extremely content now as I write this post, Gabriela fast asleep and me, smiling, knowing i’ll be able to sleep in tomorrow without a commitment besides soaking in the Spring weather that has graced our presence. I find myself in a “pre-nostalgic” state. Wishing to soak up the last bits of every human around me. for better, for worse. It’s wild to think about how individuals have changed and grown over the last four years, and even crazier when you think about how far we’ve all come since the 3rd of july 2017. I am extremely grateful for all the friends I’ve made/// and “unmade” (is that a thing?) because, each friendship, relationship, human connection, all leads to some lesson learned… good or bad, discriminate or forever– we all feel it, we all live it. even if only a little bit.
Thank you for reading my intoxicated post… I really feel that this year has brought me closer to more people than I could have ever imagined. Days like this, I remember eating lunch alone in my high school’s library thinking : there’s gotta be people out there, somewhere, that understand what i’m feeling, thinking, experiencing. There are people out there. for everyone. no matter if you find them when you’re 15, 20, or 67…. all people crave some kind of connection. No matter how fleeting. But, my dream is to make that fleeting connection
L A S T.

you know what I mean?

Mar 15, 2021
I know this feeling exactly. Matter of fact, those small moments of time are undeniably some of the happiest moments of my life. Particularly because in those moments I can remember almost every single detail that would hide itself on any other given day. I think we all live for those moments in some sort of way.
Mar 15, 2021
i am yours in that lunchroom and yours now and yours forever