feb 26th, 2021
**imagine in scrawling handwriting with a few pen smudges.
Yes, its true. oh my god. How am I a real person. I think I must be the most awkward human in the world… ok this may be giving myself too much credit, but you know what I mean. Sometimes, actually especially when it seems to matter- I become the most robotic human- cringing both internally and externally.
I have that feeling that makes my hands clench and toes curl out of discomfort from remembering a conversation or my uncalled for mannerisms that don’t quite make sense. why. so gross, annie. I know most of its in my head, but it honestly its all so… bleh. I wish I could candidly communicate without this fun little nausea feeling. I feel 14 sometimes, but I’m 22. I’m an adult. I can do this.
be normal. ish? normal, but still be you? weird balance, yeah? help.
for calm : Caamp’s new cover of Tom Petty’s Square One
Feb 26, 2021
I feel this heavy
Feb 27, 2021
Replying toGabe Fuhrman
keeps the world exciting eh !
Feb 28, 2021
Replying toannie wheat
I love you both bc you’re strange and you love me Bc I’m strange