lessons for the rest of my life

the number of lessons learned at this place is hard to place a finger on. out of spite, i’d like to say i’ve remained mostly unchanged with the help of guidance here and there. However, this would be a complete tale of ignorance without bliss.

some of these are new. some are reinforced. but all of these are pieces of life to take with me.

bring a pen and paper everywhere: for notes, for poems, for writing to do lists in meetings or briefs, for sketches

use gratitude lists

express these gratitude lists. tell your friends you love them.

the squeaky wheel does indeed get the oil (mostly)

ask for what you want

smile often with your teeth

if you’re debating re-brushing your teeth before you go out, do it.

complaining just leaves you less powerful, more vulnerable, tired

sometimes you genuinely need to count to 10

don’t change your personality when you start leading

be humble about what you don’t know, confident about your ability to learn what you need

crying is good, but not in the car

always carry your water bottle

giving up sleep is ok, but you have to give in at some point.

my body, but mostly my mind, doesn’t operate without a walk or a run a day

I need to lift more…

grades do not define you… poor performance is OK sometimes

I need coffee to operate

gas x can save your life after a dinner out

let people go if they don’t want to be there

recognize when you’re stressed… control your reactions better

almost done is usually good enough

someone is always watching… take that anyway you’d like…

peppermint altoids taste terrible but get the job done

build your base: fitness, studying, habits… day by day

I am most productive before 10:30 am

just get up, you’ll regret it more if you don’t

your life isn’t defined by the presence or lack of your physical accomplishments or attributes

apathy is your greatest enemy… find a way to care.

you’ve never regretted forcing yourself to read

you’ve always regretted scrolling through a feed

journal everyday even if your brain is empty… its usually not & you sleep better

just do your fucking best.

I would never survive (anything) without the love and support of the friends and family I am so lucky to surround myself with through all the waves. The close of an era… I was so eager 3 July 2017– & still am to some extent, but in a different way… maybe just because I am looking through a wider lens. Again, thank you to whoever feels like reading through this. So many wonderful people have influenced my last four years, and I am supremely lucky to know all of you. This random blog conceived on a cold, winter’s Wednesday night turned out to oddly be one of my favorite parts of firstie year.

New chapters are muddy and scary and excitingly, and I cannot wait to start one tomorrow.

kisses, hugs, love, farewell, adios and goodbye

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