Mar 20, 2023
I know there will be more good people. People so good that your heart can’t stop swelling and you can’t stop smiling. I love a side squeeze. Just a reminder you that you have someone or something to lean on if it’s needed. A draw back to home, because home can be anything. Home can be someone’s smile or laundry detergent or a sunrise by yourself. We’re always shifting and moving. Hopefully more forwards than backwards but that’s not always the case. I think what makes life so much better than we anticipate is that there are so many unanticipated moments of joy. I’m convinced if you try thinking too much about the time you’re supposed to have or the feelings you’re supposed to feel- none of it will come. Or if it does- there’s a numbing that coats it and you can’t see the experience for what it really is.
I don’t mind sitting down and thinking about this when it’s 55 degrees and a gentle wind is making me smile