May 6, 2022
I wish I could share little moments. more than a text. I want to tell you how the song I found at 3 in the morning made me feel driving into the misty sunrise after the fifth listen. connection! ah yes that thing we all crave and chase or maybe perhaps it’s just me running around like a decapitated chicken pls! Me! Help! I’m aching for something more. i care too much about too little. No one is there with me. Which is fine. Life is so much more than coping with lonely, but this pattern feels all too consuming. I’m stuck on it. A hamster wheel of cotton candy skies and dying phone batteries. I want to simultaneously sleep all day and bike 100 miles. next time. I’ll get more sleep, I’ll think ahead, I’ll try harder, but not too hard, because who wants that. help me bang my head against this wall a few more times.