on my desk

annie wheat

May 18, 2021

8 bobby pins

1 lighter

1 ripped mask

8 unneeded copies of my DA31



Beach Music by Pat Conroy… read exactly one page since i’ve been back

blue pen

black pen

brush pen

1 ergonomic mouse that people make fun of but is actually quite useful

a note from Bo ‘run wheat run’

1 face mask

trash from a cardboard straw wrapper

My road trip goal is to run at each stop. Not necessarily for the sake of breaking my pr’s and making huge distance goals, but really just to see whats around me. I like the idea of engaging with a new place and doing something that makes my body feel better at the same time. If I keep moving from town to town or state to state but never really place myself in the moment does any of it really count?

How am I always running out of time. I want to stay up and do this road trip excel spreadsheet and write my thank you cards and look into Gabriela’s eyes and hear about her powerpoint, but I already am dreading the point of waking up and knowing I won’t be asleep again until the next 12am. oof. these are supposed to be the easy days : )

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