
Feb 14th, 2021

I feel my heart soften when I look into sar’s eyes

I feel my spirit grow from kb’s strong will and loving soul

I feel my admiration spread when i hear em speak

I feel a new corner of the world through gabe’s lens

I feel passion build when mi champions her cause

I feel a new bond when chase challenges me again

do you ever look around a room and feel at peace but still so lost?

no, no, that’s fine. That’s where we look to our left and right.

People are here, in front of you, looking you in the eye, do you understand how special this is? They’ll come and go, and there’ll be more, but look right here, feel right now.

these recent moments and experiences have brought extraordinary specks of joy, light, and meaning to my every day. learning, listening, being with striking individuals is a privilege I hope to walk forward through life with.