Sep 26, 2021
dear oklahoma,
i am sorry for my harsh words earlier. you have a lot of faults, but i can’t think of a state that lies completely void of their own shortcomings. your skies your skies your skies! no way this is an issue. the opposite, a strength of connecting your humans under a single blanket of your vastness. I started my run east to west today- oh what a mistake! i ended up running backwards, neck craning to see how the colors changed as my legs inched away from the morning light. good thing i’m slow, because i really didn’t mind the glowing company. a glitch occurred- when they created my love langauge. it could’ve been physical touch or words of affirmation, but in its truest form it can’t be anything orher than sending sky moments. i send these pictures to everyone i love. at this point, if i’m texting you before 8am theres a 95% chance it’s related to the sunrise. send one back and oh god i’ll just fall in love right there. that’s about where i am in my life. falling in love with anyone who loves the sky. can you believe that this happens every single day. the sun comes up and over in the east busrting over a witchita mountain (hill*) or content with its easy position behind a cloud. either way- it happens every 24 hours. every single time. i don’t think i can miss another one in my life because the day is basically over after that. i’m learning that there’s love in a lot of different places. there’s pieces of it in every ray across these endless cornfields. electric lines that run past infinity- in the most literal sense. the roads look the same. but the skies. they reach you, then past you, the land you’re standing on, the cars whizzing by are cluelessly and hopelessly unaware of this miracle outside their window… a sunrise… i think it’s more over the feeling it creates rather than the beauty it holds… but probably a bit of both. today taught me while i can text and call and tell you there was this incredible moment during my run you’ll never be there with you me. you can nod and smile and say i’m glad it was a nice run. but it is wonderful and lonely at the same time, this individual experience. mine to love that i lived on this sunday morning. so, thank you, oklahoma, for the 26th of september.
annie wheat