running ideas

annie wheat

Apr 18, 2021

So, I ran this morning. A completely terrible pace and my legs were sad and heavy… I had planned for anywhere from 5-7 miles (yes maybe I should plan my runs with my deliberate thought…), but anywho… I was gassed after 1.01 miles so I made it to a whole 3.01 and called it.

But then… Oh, my god. This weather. These spring smells. All the BLOSSOMS. I deeply identify with this spring feeling. I had to run around some more… here are my thoughts captured below… lengthy and unnecessary, perhaps. But, I wanted to think about these thinkings again sometime so here’s the best place for storage.

This is kind of embarrassing, but sometimes when I am running I just think of captions for my Strava post. This doesn’t feel like the healthiest practice, especially since I am trying not to base my actions off what other think or feel or do….

– I am absolutely scared of hills. I get this feeling of dread running on a new route and I find a hill… like today, I was going down, down, down, in some unfamiliar neighborhood, and all I could think about was how slow I was about to go on the way back up…

– But then I started looking at all these incredible spring blooms. forsythia scattering the roadway… pear trees… apple trees… cherry trees making a grand appearance as always. Their smell made me want to slow down even more to enjoy.

– I thought about my friends. I thought about Sar and her how I was missing her sweet soul. Little did I know midway through I would be blessed with running into her along the road past Haciendas. Total athlete on the bike, and absolutely rocks the bike shorts more so than anyone I’ve ever known. I thought about all the crazy beautiful lives kb is about to lead. I can imagine her on the coast on edge of a serene sunset, waves lapping below, as she walks carefully along some cobblestones to gather her sundress into her hands as she gets on a bicycle resting against a coffee stand… let me visit you in this life kb <3 I thought dear Gabriela, hoping she enjoyed an immaculate Sunday (without me)… but nonetheless, I missed her radiant glow and her daily frog support pictures.

– How are there only 24 hours in a day. I feel like never have time to not only complete things I want to do, but even NEED to do. Like my ukulele has been sitting on myself for just too long.

– What would this relation look like from a third party? Are you giving? Are you receiving? Do you have time to be you? Do you need to be MORE? Less? How is this dynamic good for you, good for others? What even determines success? How about happiness? These questions were a bit too big for the run…

– I love true foods with my entire soul. I feel so internally balanced after eating their food… maybe to the closest stuff to home food I can get in the NE.

– Why does Nyack feel like Charleston

– What if we don’t actually live until were 88 or 98… everything seems so fleeting I don’t want to live life too reserved :((

– I could live off coconut

– I cannot get the thought of Thai food out of my brain for my than 5 minutes at a time

– I am always thinking about food… I can’t relate to those who don’t plan their days around their meals… seems unhuman. what is life without the spice?

– I would like to live a million lives and drink coffee in all of them.

– Legs are amazing. How cool that they can carry you for miles… I was thinking about how in October I couldn’t imagine a flight of stairs… much less running for miles… bodies are so great when they heal… or just don’t break in the first place!

– My thesis is long and motivation is low.

– I cannot wait to go and live and explore and have the freedom to be in a car and drive wherever I want… whenever I want… invite friends for bits and pieces of the way… sounds too dreamy, and of course, I can only imagine how much could and is probably going to go horribly wrong. but good to think about at least.

more feet pics, but avocado smash toast making an appearance. WOW.

I listened to September by Earth, Wind, & Fire at the tail end of my run, and it truly assisted the brain during the last few minutes of effort. Anyways, this was long, too long, in fact. So if you made it to the end… bises.

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