apr 2, 2021
Clean sheets. Slipping between my two comforters never feels more tempting than when i have at least a WPR and a paper between myself and tomorrow’s lunch. Food and sleep. Food and sleep. Our brains must hold more than these basic functions, right? I tell myself I want to get up early, but my mind shifts as soon as my alarm goes off, asking : so, what is 2 more minutes? 5? ok how about 90? deal. 100 more minutes of sleep. I feel panicky when I sleep too long, because even when I get four hours/day, I can barely accomplish all 3 of my tasks. I find myself staying up late & getting up early to finish what? two semi decent workouts around sunup & sundown and proofread half of my paper only to deem it ‘somewhat acceptable’ and slowly click submit. It’s easy for people to get in a contest on how little they sleep, how much they have to do, but I don’t think its how much I have to do, merely all I want to do. How do efficient people get any sleep? How do successful people get any sleep? How do happy people get any sleep?
I realize there are answers for all these questions, mostly lying in successful leader’s memoirs etc but now I am realizing i must, again, chose between living and sleeping. OK, more like learning and sleeping, but what’s one without the other.