soft lights

feb 28th, 2021

step outside and sip this air

feel your breath catch on this breeze

see the moon form its perfect disc above your head

feel your toes scuff the grass

luckily, nudging the new dew.

see the cloud-filled sky

hushing these recherché lights

here with the crickets,

here with the owls,

hear your thoughts.

Sit with them and let them sing.

UGH ANOTHER POEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORRY, BUT NOT REALLY. This blog’s updated homepage description should have a 2am poem to filter out all the fakes. But who am I kidding- i wouldn’t make it through!

cheek kiss me after covid? mwah. mwah.

glassy notes : Gold by Jake Isaac

Katie Baumeister

Katie Baumeister

Mar 01, 2021

Mwah mwah !!!!


Gabriela Huggins

Gabriela Huggins

Mar 01, 2021

Give us more poems!!!