Hannah and I hosted a Galentine’s Dinner for a few friends. The intention is always well set, but I am craving bed by 8pm. Everyone is gone and all is clean no more than 2 hours past our usual lie down, but still wipes my will to have social interactions for a long while afterward. I was nearly in bed when I remembered my picture goal. This would’ve been more fun with more life from the friends, even dirty dishes or poor kitchen lighting, but I remembered and thats the best part.
Key notes
- Low light (and mainly coming from the lamp) had to raise the ISO (going up in #s)
- Didn’t mess with the F stop, because this felt focused (enough)
- Played with the aperture until it was clear that staying on something closer to “10” and further from the “0.4” area was best.
- Too much light in the camera and lost the evening effect.
- I like the glow of the clean table in this.. maybe because of the picture proof satisfaction that it was cleaned

I took a french lesson out of the blue on Italki today. I enjoyed it. I think all that is left is the pursuit of skiing, but this seems lifelong.